The attached "License Compliance Report.xml" file contains a level 0 and a level 1 report within a folder.
The level 0 report called "License Compliance Report" displays the following data, if it exists in the ITMS database:
Product name, version, installed count, if its used, its metering age, how many purchased licenses it has, their average cost, not installed count, and the overpaid value.
The level 1 report called "License Compliance Report, Level 1" displays the following data when drilled down to from the level 0 report, if it exists in the ITMS database:
The last run date, machine name, username, domain name, location, serial number, barcode, and asset tag.
As the level 1 report will not display any data if run by itself, you could hide it from the UI if you wish by running the following query:
UPDATE Item SET Attributes = '1' WHERE [Guid] = '0316444f-4256-4d16-997a-ab23fd7d6233'