After a short but nice break (just two days without a computer) I am back to work looking forward to what week 49 has to offer.
I havea few things high on the list for this week:
- Duplicating problem with the Package Access Credntial store in Rollup v7 agent on fresh (Scripted or CD install) Windows 7
- Drill down into MS12-034, 12-035 ad 12-060 for which compliance as been steadily and surely erroding over te past month (we're down below the 90% mark)
- Research a problem with user access and database
- Check why the Patch Agent from rollup v7 is not installing on computers that are in the policy target (and the policy is scheduled to run every 2 hours on a 24 hours window).
Then there'll be te usual incoming events and working on cases.
Oh, one final point: we're about 1 week away from patch Tuesday. Which is just 4 weeks since the last one. And given we release updates to production ~ 1 week after Patch Tuesday this makes the November campaign the shortest I've followed since July.