In 7.1 but also in 7.5 I have found there are circumnstances where Activity Center / Enhanced Console is not working, eventhough there are no real errors. If you select Manage/Computers, you'll just get the the "old" NS tree and not the nice "outlook-based" console.
There is a work-around like
- remove Silverlight and start Console to have the console install Silverlight
- remove HF.msi and AcitivtyCenter.msi in that order and install them in correct order with elevated rights and the SKIMAIM=1 parameter.
But this is not always working as the reason why it fails is not fixed. I understand items that could influence this Activity Center are UAC, Domain Policies, etc...
Can Symantec provide a list of in-detail prereq's for this item like Policies that should NOT be enabled during installation, or should not be active period.