I need a solution
Seeing a lot of these errors in the log : Couldnt see anything in KB to address it. Anyone any ideas ?
Log File Name: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\Logs\a.log
Priority: 2
Date: 27/11/2014 07:21:55
Tick Count: 1760603000
Host Name: Server
Process: AeXSvc (2456)
Thread ID: 23
Module: AeXSVC.exe
Source: DataClassRowCollection.SetColumn
Description: Invalid column [c3] value [3/29/2014] (fixed [[NULL()]]) for resource (83ef5aec-5caa-45d6-bd54-72bded832e4a): 'Patch Windows' ( (672caca3-d1d8-493f-a876-17e3cd83b2f6))