Hi. I have used PCAnywhere for 13 years, and while it's not a perfect program, it has served me reasonably well. My version is 12.5.0.
I recently purchased a new laptop (new remote) and a new all-in-one (new host) for my home and office respectively. I have installed PCAnywhere on both computers, and configured the remote and host settings exactly like they are on my old laptop (old remote) and desktop (old host). The new remote has no trouble connecting with the old host, and of course the old remote and old host are still connecting just fine. However, I am unable to get the old remote to connect with the new host. Old remote and old host have Windows XP, while new remote and new host have Windows 8.
Since the new host connects with the office network wirelessly, I thought that might be the problem. I connected the new host to my office modem via the ethernet cable, but it still won't connect.
My thinking is that this isn't a modem/router port forwarding issue, since that was done previously on this modem/router and still works perfectly when old remote is connecting with old host. It has to be something on the new host computer. I have tried turning off the McAfee and Windows firewalls while connecting, but no connection.
The error message is the one about being "unable to attach to specified device."
I'm having no luck getting PCAnywhere (Norton Enterprise) support, as I purchased the most recent version several years ago and no longer have proof of purchase (serial number, etc.).
I'm thinking there has to be some sort of setting on the new host that I haven't configured correctly or something. I've also wondered if somehow Windows 8 isn't allowing PCAnywhere to receive the connection from the old remote, but that doesn't make sense to me since the new remote (Windows 8) was able to connect to old host (XP) without a problem.
Does anyone have any ideas?